On the 2nd March 2023 General Assembly gathered 18 partners of the RESPECT project in Brussels, Belgium. The meeting was hosted at CEA facilities at the Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie, whilst some others followed the General Assembly Online.

The General Assembly started with the welcoming speech of the coordinator of the project, Justo Garcia, and it was followed by a series of presentations on the seven Work Packages. The leaders of the WPs shared important information about the status of the development of their tasks. The partners exchanged on different technical approaches and methods for Li-Ion recovery of the Raw Materials and discussed their achievements, first results, perspectives, and concerns.

The consortium was pleased to invite The University of Warwick to participate in the 2nd General Assembly. The representatives joined the GA in-person and made a presentation on their expertise in energy research, and explained the tasks they are going to take over, how they are going to contribute to the project, and the main goals and objectives. The University of Warwick met the partners of the WPs with whom they will collaborate on the tasks and discussed the timeline of the activities. Partner participation is subject to European Commission approval.

The General Assembly was followed by a visit to Parliamentarium, where partners discovered information on European history, the future challenges, and how the Parliament works.